Spring Statement 2025
Find all of our analysis of the Spring Statement here.
Find all of our analysis of the Spring Statement here.
Our IFS working paper series publishes academic papers by staff and IFS associates.
Our staff and associates contribute papers to leading academic journals.
IFS has a strong record in training excellent social scientists, some of whom continue to work at IFS for many years; others go on to use the skills they have acquired in academia, policymaking, business or the media.
See all our researchers hereBobbie is a Research Economist in the Taxation and Environment sectors, looking at air pollution and taxation of capital income.
Lucie is an Associate Director at the IFS and an Associate Professor at Queen Mary University of London.
News about IFS research and researchers.
The ESRC has funded a Centre at IFS since 1991. We are recognised as a global centre of excellence and have official ESRC Research Institute status
The Centre underpins and is fundamental to IFS's research agenda, and is of central importance to our ability to integrate research with policy analysis.